Enter a Direct Disbursement


The Enter a Direct Disbursement function is used to enter a disbursement linked to a supplier who is not entered in the system.

You can also enter a disbursement linked to a supplier in the system with this option.

This option must not be used if the financial statements are generated by project given that this type of disbursement is not linked to a project.



  • Bank Accounts
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Configuration





Enter a direct disbursement

  1. Enter the required information in the Detail tab:



Supplier Code

Code from Define Suppliers.

NOTE: When you select the supplier code, the supplier's contact information is displayed automatically.

Individual Supplier

Used to enter contact information for a supplier, if the box is checked.

NOTE: If an existing supplier was selected, it is deleted if the box is checked.


Date of the cheque.

NOTE: By default, the system displays the work date, but this can be changed.

Invoice No.

Number of the invoice related to the payment.

Cheque No.

Cheque number.

NOTE: If the field is empty, the system generates the cheque number automatically according to the cheque counter in the Bank Accounts option.

NOTE: If a number is entered manually, the system does not ask you to print it and it can be printed again.


Amount of the purchase.

NOTE: The system displays the total amounts entered in the Breakdown grid.


Amount of the discount applicable to the payment.

Account: Bank

Bank account from which the payment will be made.

NOTE: The system displays the account in Configuration by default for disbursements that are not linked to an existing customer.

NOTE: For disbursements linked to an existing customer, the system displays the account entered in Supplier Management. If the field is empty, the system displays the value in Configuration.


Displays the currency for the selected supplier.

NOTE: The field is empty for an individual supplier.


Discount account to be used.

NOTE: By default, the system displays the account from Configuration.

Type of Direct Disbursement

    • 1 – Standard
    • 2 – Sales Tax Payment
    • 3 – Return to CCQ

Used to include or exclude these types of disbursements from certain system reports.

All other types of disbursements excluding the two mentioned below.

Disbursement linked to a tax remittance.

Disbursement linked to a CCQ remittance.


Description for reference purposes.

NOTE: This comment is printed on the cheque stub of the standard system form.

Joint Cheq.

Name of another person, if this is a joint chequing account.

NOTE: When the cheque is printed, the names of the supplier and spouse are printed.

  1. Breakdown section:




Debit account.


Amount of the expense.


Company name.

NOTE: Available in multidimensional mode only.

  1. Click Save.


See also

  • Supplier Management
  • Selected Disbursements
  • How to Configuring Direct Supplier Payment
  • How to Credit Card Management
  • How to Payment of a W/C - CSST Compensation


Last modification: September 20, 2024